Friday, June 24, 2016


Ever think of how easy it is to fix a cut or a scrape on your knee? I have. Before my daughters first accident I felt like I knew how to take care of any boo-boo she got. Then it happened! She fell face first into her Lego's. I quickly picked her up to make her feel better. When I noticed blood. (She hit her lips so they were bleeding a little, nothing serious) But, I panicked. I spun in a circle trying to figure out if I should grab a wipie, toilet paper, wash cloth.. I ended up cleaning her up and she is all healed up now. But, the funny thing is when you get hurt it's 100% easier then when it's your baby. A simple clean up and a kiss was like the end of the world! Haha So for all new mommies out there, breath. When something happens hold your baby and breath. Pause for a second, and think what if it was me who got hurt what would I do. Then adjust it for your babies need. It is scary dont get me wrong. If you need help don't be afraid to ask someone either. Even if you feel dumb it will help you be more prepared for future accidents. Also, afterwards you will feel much better you handled it and ready for the next time your little one has an ouch!

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