Sunday, September 6, 2015

Feeding: 0-4months

   From your baby's birth to four months give your LO breast milk or formula only!
Your baby's digestive system is still developing, so solid foods will not be good for her just yet.
Is your baby eating enough?
I have wondered this myself and have given my baby more just because I thought she needed it. 
Thankfully, there are some signs to tell.
Breastfeeding moms usually have enough milk for their babies. If your baby isn't getting enough they can become dehydrated and not won't being growing like they should. In rare cases this can happen and should be brought up at a doctors office asap.
Here are some signs of a good feeding.
-Your breasts feel softer after feeding.
-After eating your baby should be happy or relaxed. If she isn't happy, still restless all the time and if you are making enough milk the problem could be in her mouth. Look and see if your baby has a Tongue tie, upper/lower lip tie or throat tie. These look like extra skin that's pulling her tongue down or keeping her lip close to her mouth.
   We all have a little upper lip tie(that extra skin you feel above your gums, in the middle of your upper lip). But, sometimes this can be extreme for babies and may need to be snipped. Tongue ties, lip ties can prevent the baby from getting proper suction. Which stops her from getting the nutrition she needs.
-Weight gain estimation. In the first few weeks your baby may loss some weight. Usually, this is just water weight. They should double their weight within a few weeks. Within 2months your baby may gain up to 10 ounces a week. Months 3 to 6, she will slow to about 5 ounces a week.
These are rough estimates. Some baby's do grow faster or slower then others. Check with your health care provider to be sure.

Fun in the Sun

Summer is probably the best time to get out with your baby! Let her experience the wind and birds chirping. Maybe even play with water!!
     But, there's a few things you need to make sure you do. Make sure your little one has some sort of hat on. The sun will be bright for her and it protects her head. Also, make sure she has sun lotion on. Sun lotion for babies. Apply it every hour. Maybe even less then every hour depending how young she is.
   Have her in loose clothing. This helps with sweating. Also, change her diaper often. She can get a heat rash if you let her sit in a wet diaper for to long. Babies, can get heat rash inside too. If they are warm alot.
    Something fun you can do.
-If you have a stroller, put water in the cup/food holder.
-have water proof diapers of changer her after playing right away.
You can let your baby experience water with out going in a pool or a bath to play. My little one loves playing in water. Screams and yipps the hole time.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Life changes

Sitting at home taking care of your LO. Loving every moment of it, but is this all your going to do for the next 10 years? Are you the stay at home type or do you need to still do something with your life?
Well, guess what, you still can! Just because you have a baby doesn't mean your life has to stop. Do what you need to do but, make sure it revolves around your baby. If doing something will make you a better parent to her. Do it. Don't let life get you down. Anything is possible nowadays!
    Do what's best for you and your daughter. Your the one who is raising her (if your a stay at home mom). Don't let anyone tell you different. Not your parents, not your husband/ boyfriend. If you need to start school or get a job. Do it, just make sure your daughter comes first.
That baby is all that matters now. Just make sure your happy, she can sense if you get stressed with her

Thursday, September 3, 2015


       Your sitting baby! Its so exciting to see! Brought tears to my eyes as she started to be able to balance all on her own!

       As fun as it is, you have to be a little bit more aware of where your baby is. She no longer is stuck in one spot! Now she can rock and possibly fall over. Dont be to afraid though, a long as you or someone is with her, as she gains strength, everything will be okay! =D
      Play pens are a wonderful place for them to learn their crawling and sitting as they can't grab at dangerous objects, when you look away at the dog that knocked over your drink.

Technology Today

         Technology today has a huge impact on our daily lives. You cant walk around a corner without seeing someone with their cell phone out. Technology is a great thing that has helped many of us gather information,such as this website, and use up our spare time. But, do we use it to much?
         I recently read a post about deleting Facebook and how much it changed that persons life. I agree with them. We no longer pay attention to our surrounding as much as we used to. This can impact our children and future children greatly. Out of personal opinion, try to show your soon to be kids the wonders of life before they figure out technology.
        My days are spent watching my baby and my phone. I no longer know how to live with out having some sort of technology in front of me. Which i plan to change! Start going for walks and maybe pick up reading a book. Think about it, if you weren't able to watch tv, use your cell phone or surf the internet what would you do? Give me your ideas in comments below. Would this be easy for you to just stop and hang out outside enjoying life for what it is?
       Now none of you have to do this of course. Just something to think of. How much are you really missing if your not on your phone looking at the same news every five minutes? Also, how much are you missing in front of you crawling on the ground for the first time with out you seeing? I love technology! So i decided to use it for a good cause, i am going to make this blog and maybe strike some awareness out there. Use a little less internet and little more family time.
       Let me know your thoughts on this topic. Do you think we use technology to much in our daily lives?

New Habits

 When you first have your baby, you may freak out 3 or 4 days in. Running around the house trying to keep it clean, while trying to figure out how to take care of your baby.
     Make a routine! I can't express how helpful it is. Sit down when someone is watching your baby or you have a minute to yourself and think. When does your baby wake up to eat? Have a bottle ready for him ahead of time. This helps A LOT, especially if your super tired! Keep going from there. Morning agenda example;

   -wake up, change baby
   -Feed baby
   -play time(with you, play pen, bouncer etc)
   -nap time

Your agenda can have more or less then what I listed. If something comes up, you can still use your list of things to do. Just adjust it to what's going on. :) I also would like to add, how important it is to make you time. If you are a stay at home mommy and your not the stay at home type. Find something to do. If your not happy it will rub off onto your baby. Find a hobby or even online classes if you like.
      I made this blog because I am a stay at home mom and needed something to do. I love my daughter but, for me to be the best parent I can be. I needed something to do for myself. Call it a mini-vacation. Almost like having a job but your still at home to watch your baby and spending quality time together. I hope this helped some of you! Feel free to add to my post with any suggestions.

A little help

When I first had my baby, i searched and searched for information of what to do and i still do research.

-Daily help
-How do I hold her when I'm feeding her
-How often should i change her
-What do i do if she wont fall asleep
-when I'm not feeding her and she is not sleeping what do i do with her

There are many questions everyone has that the internet does not have answers for. Its usually the details that are missing.

I thought i would share some helpful tips to make life easier. This wont be a complete guide for everyone and it may not help
everyone either. Feel free to add your own ideas and any questions for me as well.

1. It can become frustrating making your baby bottles when she or he is crying and wont give you time to. You can make baby bottles
and have them in the fridge for up to 24 hours, as long as she has not eaten from the bottle yet. If you are using formula and don't want to leave your baby bottles
in the fridge with your food, this is what i do. I clean her bottles and add the water needed in advance. So when its time to eat all you have to do is add

2.Sleep arrangements can be difficult. I planned to have my daughter sleep in her crib right away. But, once she was born her crib just looked so big and empty i didn't feel comfortable.
It is okay to have your baby sleep in a bassinet for the first few months. But, don't go past 6 months. It will become very hard to transition your child to their crib. If you want some
crib transitioning tips i can post on that also.

3. Choosing wipes for your baby can sound easy. But, i have recently discovered a certain brand has glass in it. This brand caused my baby to have a rash outbreak that we couldn't fix.
Once we switched brands it started to heal. When you buy a pack of wipes hold it up to the sun or lighting and see if it shines or sparkles. If it does do not use them. i will not name the brand,
because i am not sure if this issue is in every package. But, i have seen videos about it online also.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Time Mommy

    Ever wonder what it would be like to be a mommy? How would it feel to see your newborn child in your arms for the first time? For many people the experience is very different. Everyone always hears and see's on tv how happy mothers are. But, have you ever seen a proud mom who isnt excited? I have, and I want to let those of you who are curious, know about both sides.

    When I first became pregnant, I cried like most people do. But, they weren't tears of joy. I wasn't read to have a child, nor did I ever want to have one. I told my boyfriend at the time and he convinced me to keep the baby. I was so worried. We didn't have the money for it or a good place for the baby to live. The whole pregnancy I didn't feel pregnant. Many people talk about that feeling of becoming a mommy. The joy you feel inside, anxiousness and glee. I didn't feel those things. I was still worried and someone selfish. I wanted to live my life without having a baby stopping that.
    About 6 months in I started to feel alright. I was accepting that I was pregnant and that I was going to be a mom. Was I excited? No. But, I was learning to grow with my baby. As months past I started collecting items for her and became happier. Feeling her move in my tummy and hiccup after I ate was amazing.
    Finally, the day came where it was time for her to be born to this world. I wasn't over excited, I was just there. Waiting to have my C-section and go home with a new member of the family. I mentioned earlier how everyone talks about the first moments when you see your child. How you never felt love until you see your first child born. Unlike many other women, I had post partum depression.
    After, my C-section I saw my family around my little girl. They were so happy and excited. Taking photos and videos of her screaming for the first time. While I sat there almost in a haze. I was in the distance, it felt. My baby was right in front of me but I didn't want to hold her. It was almost like I was afraid of her. I didn't talk to anyone about how I felt because I knew if doctors found out they would want to watch me longer.
    After, some healing and medical issues I got to go home. Once home, I did everything I could to get away from my baby. I would go outside and smoke. Lay down and sleep because of C-section pains. It took me 3 months to start to care about my little angel. I wish I could get back her first 3 months of life. Even though I was there, my memories are in a haze. Now, I am happily raising my daughter and enjoying every minute of it! Watching her stand all by her self and babbling away!

       There is one thing I want all expecting moms and want to be moms reading this to know. When you feel down and want to just run away from your life. Talk to a friend or family member you can trust. There was nothing I could do to feel better, because there was no way I was going to take anti-depressants. But, PPD is nothing to be ashamed of. My PPD was bad for me, but I didn't want to hurt myself so I stuck through it on my own. If for any reason, any of you need help please do so!

Babies have no idea what's going on in life. All you can do is do what's best for them. I luckily had a good man to take care of her during my time of depression. If you don't have someone to help you, you can easily find help with your family doctor.